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B.E. Free Breakthrough Academy

I’m Coach Ro

The Breakthrough Catalyst®

Helping You Fulfill Your Assignment Here on Earth


Through the Biblical principles of Jeremiah 1:10 “to root out, and to pull down, and to destroy, and to throw down, to build, and to plant” and fulfill one’s life assignment in the earth.


To disrupt and dismantle cycles of self-destruction and bondage that has long since interfered with being fully set free.

The B.E. Free Creed©

I am free!

I walk in newness of life every day.

I can do all things through Christ which strengthens me.

I am more than a conqueror.

No weapon formed against me shall prosper.

Because greater is He that is in me, than he that is of this world.

And if Christ be for me, who can be against me?

I am free!

And He who the Son sets free is free indeed!

By RoShaunda D. Carpenter


B.E. Free Breakthrough Coaching is for participants seeking personal, relationship, or small group sessions.  We recognize that needs may vary.  Coaching is available in corporate, retreat and workshop settings as well.

Goal Setting

Clarity brings freedom to every part of our lives.  Let us assist you with effectively setting and achieving your specific personal or professional goals.

Workshops and Webinars

We offer topical, tailored workshops and webinars to groups, churches, organizations, corporations etc.  Both can also be exclusively designed to meet your specific needs upon special request.

B.E. Courses

These online Breakthrough Encounter courses are offered in a private, virtual space.  Each course can be taken individually and at the participants own discretion. (Some courses may require a curriculum book as well)


Don’t just finish the course. Stay the course!  Mentorship is offered and recommended to those having already completed one of our coaching opportunities or our B.E. Course “March into Your Breakthrough”.

What Is B.E. Free Breakthrough Coaching?

B.E. Free Breakthrough Coaching is an unconventional approach to counseling, guidance and training set apart from mainstream life coaching.  It is established on the sound belief and biblical foundation of John 8:36 “So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed.” It provides a safe place-allowing participants to navigate through the breakthrough process openly and honestly. It begins with the breaking of one’s own will and false self-expectation.  With divine revelation, along with biblical strategies found in the word of God, B.E. Free Breakthrough Coaching will catapult participants into divine deliverance, healing and purpose.



Who Needs B.E. Free Breakthrough Coaching?

You need B.E. Free Breakthrough Coaching if you truly desire to be free from mental, emotional, and spiritual prisons.  Such prisons may have you constantly feeling lost, stuck, stagnant, displaced, and even having lost or needing to discover your God-given purpose. Our coaching is designed for all who want to overcome the enemy’s lies, traps, and plans to silence or immobilize you in any area of your life. If you are willing and ready to abandon your resting place of self-doubt and limitation, then YOU need B.E. Free Breakthrough Coaching!

“You are not paying for a product or service. You’re paying for assurance.” *

~ Coach Ro

Disclaimer: Ideal results are achieved based on individual work and commitment to the process.  Participants must apply the tools given from their sessions and B.E courses in order to be effective.

“You can’t B.E. Free without a Breakthrough!”

~ Coach Ro

“Unhealthy thoughts and behaviors can have you living in an unlocked prison.”

~ Coach Ro

Who Is Coach Ro?

The Breakthrough Catalyst®

Coach Ro is a pioneer, servant leader and mentor.  Her out of the box, forward thinking prepares the way for others through a unique, God-breathed coaching style.  Her spiritual plowing capacity infiltrates walls of bondage: trauma, pain, doubt, fear, generational curses-known and unknown-and so much more!

Through the work of the Holy Spirit, Coach Ro pulls the true you out of hiding, challenges and effectively teaches you how to live in the freedom and fullness of Christ.

Be Free pic 6

Need A Keynote Speaker?

Coach Ro’s passion is charged with loving people, provoking change, wherewithal to motivate, inspire and incite staying power. If you’re looking for a fresh speaker with innovative tools, strategies to break free, move forward and live a God ordained limitless life, she is who you’ve been looking for. You’re looking for a specific topic?  Don’t fret, topics may be customized to meet the needs of your group/event! 


“I will be forever grateful to God for using B.E. Free Breakthrough Coaching with Coach Ro to assist Him in getting me to move forward in the healing of my damaged emotions. I had suffered so much loss and was  experiencing tremendous grief, while attempting to mask the pain and disappointment.  B.E Free Breakthrough Coaching facilitated the healing process and provided a non-judgemental environment for me to freely share my heart while pursuing my healing.” -N.T.  Jacksonville, FL


“Breakthrough coaching has put me on a journey of self discovery that I didn’t realize I needed in order to be whole. The biggest lesson has been having to go back in order to go forward.  The uncovering of my past and childhood trauma has been realized as the result! Coach Ro’s ability to allow the Holy Spirit to lead and redirect without interference is an amazing gift. I can honestly say through her coaching, I am slowly finding my voice and have a new found freedom. I’m also learning how to stay connected to God, who is my source!”- L.A.  Marlboro, MD.

“My life changed the minute I met Coach Ro at a Christian retreat in 2019.   I have been blessed by her coaching and ministry to me ever since.  I have never left a session without being inspired, feeling closer to God and in more understanding of my life’s path.   As a result, I have literally broken through generationally cursed mindsets and have recommended many of my friends to her. Not one friend has left feeling differently than me.  Coach Ro has been a gift to me. I don’t consider our time together as sessions, I consider them spiritual experiences each and every time. I will never be able to speak enough to her powerful, God-given insights, guidance, connection and how every conversation with her has positively and profoundly changed my life.  She connects you to God’s word and presence in a way that only a breakthrough catalyst can!”- K.L. Evanston, IL

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